So, here's my progress on the Drops Jacket 103-1. Since this picture, I've finished the sleeves, made the collar, and I un-bound off the bottom because it was flipping up, and I think I wanted more length since I had leftover yarn. I'm adding more double moss stitch instead of just 2 rows then 2 rows of Garter. I've done 6 rows of double moss so far, will probably do a couple more.

Here's another picture of my Francis Revisited - I don't mean to look grumpy, but it was my 4th attempt of doing the self-timer. I couldn't get a nice sunny day for an outside picture, but at least it was still day-light.

And here's my Somewhat Cowl -- Since this picture I've started on the ribbing at the bottom. Another inch or so of ribbing to go.

Anyway, that's all for now.