I participated in the Caffeine Addicts Swap on Ravelry again... Here's my super cool package I received last week:

And I also finished the baby sweater I made for my friend who was expecting this month... I got it done just in time, as she had the baby yesterday! I bought the cute little dinosaur buttons from Etsy user Creamrose. I'm pleased with the result, hope my friend is too! The sweater is supposed to be 3-6 mos, I hope it will fit in a couple months! The pattern is Mossy Jacket by fawn pea. I chose to add an extra button so I could use another dinosaur button. The pattern was very easy, although I had a little difficulty getting the button band on the left to look how I wanted it to, and there were LOTS of loose ends to sew in at the end.

That turned out really cute. I love the buttons with it - great choice!
Thank you! I'll be adding one of my "Hand Knit by Amanda" labels( http://mollywaffles.blogspot.com/2008/05/hand-knit-by-amanda.html) and getting it in the mail this weekend, hopefully. I hope my friend likes it!
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